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Walton and Weybridge District Scouts

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Young People

The Scout Association offers fun and everyday adventure to 573,000 young people between the ages of 6 and 25 across the United Kingdom.

The main goal is to help young people achieve their full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potential as individuals, as responsible citizens and as Members of their local, national and international communities.

If you are interested in your child becoming a Beaver, Cub, Scout or Explorer please visit this page.

Adult Volunteers

Each week we help over 600 young people in Walton and Weybridge Scouts to develop the skills to succeed in life. But this can only happen thanks to our 180 brilliant adult volunteers.

Volunteering is easier than you think. Whether you can spare an hour a month or a day a year, we have hundreds of opportunities both behind the scenes and directly supporting young people. With full support and training, you can volunteer on a flexible basis.

Not only is it incredibly rewarding and great fun, you'll learn some excellent skills which are transferrable to the workplace and to further education.

We welcome volunteers from ever community and background. You don't need to have been a Scout. You just need to believe in a more positive future and the difference we can make together.

Volunteer today and help us prepare more young people with Skills for Life. 


Please email us for further details and we will be delighted to hear from you.

Scout Group Roles

Scout Groups are run by unpaid volunteers. This is how we manage to do such wonderful activities for so little money. Our loyal band of volunteers consists of :

  • Section Leaders. They arrange and run meetings, sort out the section finances, keep a record of all the members, arrange camps and other activities.
  • Assistant Section Leaders. These are people that help out regularly at meetings, though not necessarily every week. They wear a uniform and who can occasionally take over the running of a meeting from the Section Leader.
  • Section Assistants. These are similar to Assistant Section Leaders, but do less training and can therefore not deputise for the leaders.
  • DofE Helpers.We support local schools by allowing students doing the Duke of Edinburgh scheme to do their service with us. There is some training involved, but we can provide that.
  • Parent Helpers. We run a rota system where each volunteer parent helps out at roughly two meeting per term. This may involve being a referee for a game, teaching skills (and perhaps learning a few), or perhaps just acting as a crowd controller. Parent helpers can also come on camp and pack holidays with us.
  • Fund Raisers. Our fund raisers run the activities that help bring in much needed money that is used for purchasing equipment and subsidising activities and camps.
  • Group Executive Committee. This is a committee that meets about four or five times a year to discuss large purchases, fund raising and other matters that concern the whole group (Beavers, Cubs and Scouts). There are a number of key personnel within the committee. These are :
  • The chairman.This person keeps the committee under control and stops the conversation wandering. He/she also makes a speech such as at the AGM.
  • The Secretary. This person takes the minutes and distributes them to the members.
  • The Treasurer. This person is our accountant. He/she collates the accounts from the leaders, advises us on such matters as tax relief and presents a report to the AGM.
  • The Fund Raising Coordinator. This person does all the organising for fund raising events, getting other parents to volunteer and making sure people and equipment are in the right place at the right time.

What Can We Do for You?

We don't just drop our helpers in at the deep end. We have a comprehensive training scheme. We buy the uniforms for you and we pay your expenses. Oh and you get to do some the activities that the kids do too.

How can you help?

As you can see from the jobs above there are a number of ways that you can help the Group. There are different levels of commitment. Some will suit some people more than others.

You will need a Criminal Record Bureau (CRB) clearance, even if you have clearance through your work or other voluntary work. Don't worry it's not that bad a form to fill in.

District Roles

In addition to the support required at a Group Level the District team is there to support all of the Groups. Below are some of the roles we have although not an exhaustive list.

  • District Commissioner - The person responsible for all the Scouting in the district.
  • Assistant District Commissioner - This person will will normally be responsible for a certain section for example all the Beavers in the District and supporting the leaders who run the weekly meetings. They may run some District events.
  • Scout Active Support Manager- This person will manage a group of adults who want to be members of the Scout Active Support Unit. They will send out information.
  • Scout Active Support Member - This person will want to help out with District Activities and support leaders with one off activities but do not wish to commit to a weekly meeting.
  • District Executive Committee. This is a committee that meets about four or five times a year to discuss large purchases, fund raising and other matters that concern the whole District. There are a number of key personnel within the committee. These are :
    • The Chairman.This person keeps the committee under control and stops the conversation wandering. He/she also makes a speech such as at the AGM.
    • The Secretary. This person takes the minutes and distributes them to the members.
    • The Treasurer. This person is our accountant. He/she collates the accounts from the leaders, advises us on such matters as tax relief and presents a report to the AGM.
    • The Fund Raising Coordinator. This person does all the organising for fund raising events, getting other parents to volunteer and making sure people and equipment are in the right place at the right time.

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The views expressed in this website are not necessarily those of the Scout Association.