Welcome to...Walton & Weybridge Scouts!
We hope that you find what you are looking for and if you are interested in joining us in any way then please do get in touch to discuss what is available.
Walton and Weybridge District is part of the Borough of Elmbridge in Surrey and is one of many Districts within Surrey Scouts. Thanks to our 180 brilliant adult volunteers we help over 600 young people in Walton and Weybridge Scouts to develop the skills to succeed in life. This could be the skills they need for school, college, university, the job interview, the important speech, the tricky challenge and the big dreams.
We have seven Scout Groups of various sizes including a Sea Scout Group and an Air Scout Group. Each group offers a wide range of activities, fun and adventure to young people aged 6 to 25. We also have four Explorer Units for young people aged 14 to 18.
Scouts are do-ers and give-it-a-go-ers. Yes, we go camping, hiking, swimming, abseiling, cycling and canoeing. But we also get to hang out with our friends every week - having fun, playing games, working in a team and taking on new challenges.
Everyone's welcome here. All genders, races and backgrounds. Regardless of your child's physical ability - there's a Scout adventure out there waiting for them. And we'll help them find it.
Scouting is open to all young people aged 6 to 25 of every faith and background. There are also plenty of opportunities for adults to become involved as Leaders, Assistants or Administrators.
Find out more...
Individual Scout Group websites and details of when they meet can be found in this link.
Find your nearest Scout Group using this link from the Surrey Scouts Website (Our Groups are shown in dark purple!)
All adults in Scouting volunteer their time play their part in achieving the aim of the Scout Association; to promote the development of young people in achieving their full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potential as individuals, as responsible citizens and as members of their local, national and international communities. This is done by providing an enjoyable and attractive scheme of progressive training based on the Scout Promise and Law.
There are many roles for adults in Scouting, it's not all about wearing a uniform and going to weekly meetings. Maybe that isn't for you, but there will be something that is. From Treasurers to, Secretaries, Chairmen, Fundraisers, Trainers, Supporters and Instructors, there is always something for everyone.
Did you know that there is certainly no shortage of young people wanting to get involved in Scouting? It's quite the opposite in fact. We have waiting lists at most of our groups, as do all other Scout Groups across the country. It is leaders that we are short of! Without the leaders, we can't accommodate all the young people waiting to join us.
Have you thought of becoming a leader? Your help will make the difference to those young people waiting to join in the Scouting Adventure. Perhaps you can't spare the time to attend meetings every week? Don't let that put you off, there is always room for you and we can work around your commitments. Perhaps you have a friend or work colleague who is interested too? You could do a job share and take it in turns to come along or you could work something out with the other leaders in the Group.
Registered Charity Number 1128930