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Walton and Weybridge District Scouts

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First Response First Aid Course

3rd February 2013

First Response First Aid Course

SUNDAY 3rd. FEBRUARY 2013 at 09:45 for 10:00 start. Finish usually about 15:00hrs.

OXSHOTT SCOUT HQ., The Verrey Hut, end of Waverley Road,off Blundell Lane, Oxshott, Surrey KT22

Cost £20.00 (due from your Group not yourselves).

No uniform, please, as you will be kneeling around the room in doing practical first aid training. You will be supplied with a manual at the end of the day so paper and pen will only be needed for any extra notes you wish to make.

Refreshments will be supplied during the day including appropriate drinks at lunchtime but please bring own lunch.


Please contact LTM to book a place on this course

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